Mary-Alice Arthur
Story Activist at SOAR, Author & Host of THE STORY DOJO


Mary Alice Arthur is a Story Activist, using story practice for positive systemic shift and for focusing collective intelligence on critical issues. She guides people, and the systems they are part of, to find and activate the story that will take them into a larger and more authentic future. With story as an ally, people become the visionary leaders, changemakers and paradigm shifters they want to be. They have the knowledge and tools to change the future for the better. She is an internationally recognised process host, building capacity for people to bring their stories to life, and in practice for more than 25 years. She is a steward of Art of Hosting (, teaching participatory practice around the world, and co-creator of Collective Story Harvest methodology. Mary Alice is the author of 365 ALIVE! Find your voice. Claim your story. Live your brilliant life. and hosts THE STORY DOJO, an online community focused on the power and practice of story. She works with individuals, communities and organizations around the world. More:
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To transform the community, change the story: the Fab City Global Initiative

How cities are rethinking their future with local, emotionally intellgient discussions

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